Staff Health & Safety
Our Commitment to Camp Health & Safety for Over 50 Years!
Roughing It has been providing safe outdoor experiences for children since 1972. Our team is committed to making Roughing It the safest place possible. We go above and beyond to be sure our staff have the very best camp experience and are always safe, supported, and supervised. We will monitor health conditions in our community and put safety protocols in place as needed. We require all staff, campers, and camp families to follow our Health & Safety protocols for the safety of everyone at camp.
Health & Illness
Staff must stay home from camp if they are sick or have flu/cold or COVID symptoms, and they should not return to camp until all signs of illness have passed. This is to prevent the spread of illness and to give the camper time needed for a full recovery.
If a staff is sick: with cold, flu, Covid or shows any symptoms of other illness:
- Staff must stay home or leave camp to recover.
- Staff may return to camp if: improved symptoms, and no fever for 24 hours (100.4 or higher) without fever-reducing medication
- Staff should stay home if they have any symptoms, fever of 100.4 or higher, or test positive for COVID. Staff must be fever free (100.4 or higher) without fever-reducing medication for 24-hours before returning to camp
We will update our health and safety protocols as conditions in our community change and as we follow the guidance of our regulatory agencies. Modifications may include masking, testing, and vaccine requirements. We align our health and safety requirements with the following agencies: Contra Costa Health Services, State of California, EBMUD, CDC, and ACA (American Camping Association).
Vaccination Requirements
Staff and junior counselors need to be up to date on their required vaccines in order to work and/or attend camp this summer. Roughing It follows vaccine requirements from the State of California Immunization Law instated in schools. The COVID vaccine and boosters are required for staff, and junior counselors to keep our camp community as safe as possible.

Roughing It is Dedicated to the Safety of our Staff & Campers
We go above and beyond to be sure our staff and campers have the very best camp experience and are always safe and supported. The health and safety of each camper and staff member is the primary concern at Roughing It. We achieve this through extensive training, safety practices and procedures
ACA Accreditation
Roughing It Day Camp is accredited by the American Camp Association and is the longest accredited Day Camp in Northern California. As part of ACA Accreditation, Roughing It complies with over 300 health and safety standards.
Emergency Services
Roughing It has two medical doctors on call to provide consultation and medical services to our campers. We also make annual arrangements with local paramedics and emergency services to support our staff.
Acknowledgment of Risk
We will do everything in our power to control what we can, but even with procedures and protocols in place and being tightly followed, we cannot control every risk. The very nature of personal interactions that take place at camp contain risks for spreading and contracting diseases and infections. We will use our best efforts to keep our staff and campers safe from all illnesses while at camp. However, we want to make clear that we cannot promise or guarantee that this or any other pathogen will not enter our camp. We want you to be fully aware of this risk this summer and that you are willing to assume and accept this risk while working or volunteering at Roughing It this summer.
Additional Information
Thank you for working with us to make camp the safest possible experience for our campers, staff, and our camp community this summer. If you have questions or concerns, please contact us! We are happy to discuss our safety protocols and answer your questions. We will post current information here and also send out to our staff and camp families.