Junior Counselor Dress Code

Roughing It Junior Counselors need to be prepared to work in an outdoor camp environment with proper dress to be able to supervise campers and safely participate in all camp activities. This also includes being professional, clean, and in camp clothing / uniform when at camp.
The Roughing It “look” does not focus on the latest fad or fashion statement. Roughing It Junior Counselors are role models for campers and are seen as a representative of our camp values. Roughing It Day Camp is a place where our campers can unplug from the distraction of media images and get to know each person’s character and learn to appreciate each individual for who they are as a person. It is important Junior Counselors understand this and support our camp values when at Roughing It.
Purpose of Dress Code Standards
- For Junior Counselors to be able to safely supervise campers and activities and to participate safely outdoors all day and in all camp activities.
- To provide employees & volunteers (Junior Counselors) with guidelines for wearing comfortable and protective outdoor clothing while on-the-job.
- To be able to identify Roughing It employees & volunteers immediately – Junior Counselors need to always wear Roughing T-Shirts/Sweatshirts.
- To role model professional standards of dress for safety, health, and hygiene for all Roughing It campers.
- To build Junior Counselors team spirit and to support camp values and our camp community when wearing the Roughing It Camp Clothing / uniform.
- To instill in the mind of the public respect for the Roughing It Junior Counselors as representing professionalism, reliability, and commitment.
- All Junior Counselors are Role Models for campers and represent our camp values and culture.
- At Roughing It, we create an inclusive community that is physically and emotionally safe for all campers, Junior Counselors, and families

Dress Code Standards
Roughing It Day Camp works to project an image that instills parents’ confidence in us. When a Roughing It Day Camp Junior Counselor at the camp site, in the office, or in the community that person is always representing our organization. It is important that our Junior Counselors represent our camp values and behaviors that our parents desire for their children. Parents of Roughing It campers want counselors who will be positive role models for their children. Parents expect that Roughing It Junior Counselors are not only experienced in working with and teaching children, but are also of high moral character, empathic, kind, and present a professional, clean, and healthy image. As Junior Counselors , you are expected to exemplify appropriate outdoor dress and acceptable hygiene that will reflect our camp’s values and the families we serve. Parents of Roughing It campers expect that the Roughing It Junior Counselors will be outstanding role models who present a professional and clean outdoor camp image.
When you accept being a volunteer at Roughing It Day Camp, you are agreeing to support and follow all of our policies and procedures, including the Roughing It Dress Code. Junior Counselors must follow the Roughing It Dress Code throughout the duration of their time as a volunteer with Roughing It Day Camp, and at all camp events. Junior Counselors are required to follow dress code standards during orientation and training sessions as well as during each day of the regular day camp season. Junior Counselors should appear at their very first day of orientation and during the week of Staff Training dressed and in accordance with the Roughing It Dress Code.
All Junior Counselors will wear outdoor clothing that is clean, and in good working condition: not in need of repairs, wrinkled, torn, with holes, faded, noticeably worn, and appropriate for camp activities. No cuts, pen markings, or alterations may be made to Roughing It T-shirts or sweatshirts. T-shirts and sweatshirts are to be the correct size for each Junior Counselor and not so large that they are “baggy” or so small that they are too tight. Clothing that is considered too revealing, in the opinion of the Directors, is not permitted. This includes swimsuits (please see section on swimsuits, below.)
During the camp season, all camp Junior Counselors are required to wear Roughing It T-shirts and/or sweatshirts daily. Junior Counselors should be in accordance with Roughing It Dress Code Standards everyday during the camp season, including days of Staff training and orientations.

Swimsuits worn by all Junior Counselors should be appropriately fitted, modestly cut, and not revealing. Swimsuits that do not give adequate coverage are not permitted. Two-piece swimsuits and bikinis are not allowed to be worn by Junior Counselors . Swimsuits must be one-piece and fitted correctly and appropriately so the Junior Counselors member can participate in all swim activities. Swimsuits must have straps so that the swimsuit will stay in place during active swimming and diving activities. Swimsuit shorts must have a drawstring to aid in keeping the swimsuit in place during active swimming and diving activities.
Athletic shoes or hiking shoes are required to be worn by Junior Counselors working at camp. Some examples such as tennis shoes, walking/running shoes, and cross training shoes are commonly worn and usually work best for camp activities. Shoes must cover the entire foot, including the toes and heel. “Flip-flops”, tevas, Birkenstocks, and other types of open-toe sandals are not permitted at camp, except while Junior Counselors is on the pool deck. Shoes worn by Roughing It Junior Counselors should be clean and matching. Shoes should have an arch support and always be laced to the top at all times, providing maximum comfort and support during active movement. Shoes must be durable and in good condition so the Junior Counselors member can safely participate in all activities. Hiking boots may be worn for hiking days, rainy days, and/or on cold weather days. Riding boots may be worn by riding Junior Counselors, and are allowed to be worn by other Junior Counselors on special occasions (dress-up days, skits). Junior Counselors need to always be in appropriate footwear to safely be able to walk, hike, and safely participate in all camp activities.

Socks worn by Junior Counselors must be clean, matching, and in good condition. Socks with holes are not permitted. Hosiery is not worn at camp.
Shorts worn by Roughing It Junior Counselors must be in excellent working condition without any signs of wear. Shorts must fit comfortably, neither too tight nor too loose, so the wearer can easily move for participation in camp activities. Shorts should be clean and unwrinkled at the start of each day, and should be made of a material that is durable and suitable for camp. Shorts should be an acceptable length so neither the underwear nor buttocks of the wearer can be seen when bending over or moving about. The midriff and belly button must always be covered.
Pants and Jeans
Pants, jeans, or sweatpants worn by Junior Counselors must be made of a material that allows movement and is durable and suitable for camp activities. There should be no signs of wear and the pants/jeans/sweat pants should be clean and unwrinkled at the start of the day. Pants and jeans must fit comfortably, and must not be too tight or too loose. Pants should fit in such a way that neither the underwear nor buttocks of the wearer can be seen when bending over or moving about, nor should the midriff or bellybutton be revealed. Pants may be worn over shorts.

Shirts and Sweatshirts
Junior Counselors must always be wearing a Roughing It Staff shirt and/or sweatshirt while at camp. The Roughing It Day Camp Staff shirts are gold with brown ink, and contain the Roughing It logo, and imprinted with the word “Staff.” Each Junior Counselors member is issued two gold, Roughing It Staff shirts and one Staff sweatshirt at the beginning of the camp season. Staff shirts and sweatshirts may not be altered or changed in any way, and must be clean and unwrinkled at the start of each day. Staff shirts and sweatshirts should not show any signs of wear, and should be labeled with the Junior Counselors name on the tag. Shirts and sweatshirts should fit comfortably, neither too tight nor too loose, so the wearer can easily participate in activities. Shirts and sweatshirts must be long enough so that the midriff and/or belly button is not exposed at any time. Roughing It’s gold Staff shirts must be worn at all times except when swimming. Lifeguards wear special tank tops labeled “lifeguard” while on duty. A Roughing It Staff shirt or sweatshirt should be the outermost layer of clothing at all times. Please do not allow campers to wear “Staff” clothing.
Junior Counselors are required to wear hats at all times while working at camp. Several varieties of Roughing It hats are available to Junior Counselors free of charge – Junior Counselors are not required to wear Roughing It hats. Junior Counselors can wear their own hats so long as they do not display any potentially controversial content (See Controversial Content Below). Hats should have a wide brim to protect the face and nose from the sun. Hats must be clean, in good condition, and should be labeled with the Junior Counselors member’s name (inside). When riding a horse, rock climbing, or mountain biking, Junior Counselors must always wear a properly fitting helmet. It is important that hairstyles do not interfere with the proper wearing and fit of helmets.

Sunglasses are required for Junior Counselors to wear for sun protection. Especially for Junior Counselors at the waterfront/pool sunglasses are needed to alleviate any strong glare. Durable sunglasses are recommended over expensive sunglasses.
Junior Counselors are required to wear sunscreen at all times for protection from the sun while outside and on the job. Junior Counselors are required to wear a hat and are also required to wear some form of protective sunscreen/zinc oxide. Junior Counselors may bring their own sunscreen to use while at camp, or are welcome to use sunscreen provided by Roughing It. Sunscreen used must be SPF 50 or better, providing adequate protection from the summer sun. All Roughing It Junior Counselors are expected to take responsibility for their health and safety. Junior Counselors must take the proper precautions to avoid getting sunburned while on the job and at camp.
A watch must be worn by every Junior Counselors member while at camp. Watches must be in good working condition, dependable, durable, and properly sized. Watches should not inhibit active movement. Durable, waterproof watches are recommended over expensive watches.
Jewelry and piercings are safety hazards in the camp environment. The only jewelry permitted at camp is small finger rings or camp-made friendship bracelets. Finger rings are only acceptable if they are small so they will not catch on anything and will not be a safety hazard. Junior Counselors may wear friendship bracelets or leather bracelets, but not in such a way that they obstruct movement or interfere with camp activities. Junior Counselors may not wear earrings or body piercings that may show during camp. Earrings worn in ears or piercings in any other part of the body are not acceptable at camp for safety purposes. Junior Counselors must remove all jewelry and piercings while on the job. Roughing It is not responsible for any lost or damaged jewelry. Wristwatches are to be worn by all Junior Counselors, see the wristwatch section for more details.
Personal Hygiene
It is expected that all Junior Counselors will exercise good personal hygiene habits. It is essential that Junior Counselors come to camp clean, bathe themselves on a regular basis, and do not have offensive odor. It is necessary that Junior Counselors launder their clothing so that it remains fresh and clean. Roughing It Junior Counselors follow the Roughing It Dress Code to maintain good health, hygiene, and a professional appearance for camp.
Junior Counselors should not wear make-up while working at camp. Camp is a physically active environment so heavy make-up (heavy eye make-up, powder, blush, etc.) is not practical or acceptable at camp except for during skits with approval from camp administration.
All Junior Counselors need to be clean and professional as they represent Roughing It in the community. Female Junior Counselors must have clean-shaven legs and underarms at all times. Junior Counselors should have clean-shaven faces at all times. This means, no “5 o’clock shadow” or stubble should be visible. Growing a beard, mustache, or goatee during the duration of being a volunteer with Roughing It Day Camp is not permitted. Male Junior Counselors may have neatly trimmed mustaches or neatly trimmed beards (no longer than to the chin) only when approved by the Directors prior to camp season.

Hairstyles and Hair Color
Hair should be worn under a hat and pulled back at all times (free from face) so the Junior Counselors member can see and supervise campers as well as participate in all camp activities. Long hair needs to be tied back in a ponytail or braid. All Junior Counselors are to maintain their hair so it is clean and healthy.
Junior Counselors must wear a simple, simple styled cut with hair out of the eyes. Hair needs to be trimmed and styled in a neat, professional manner. Hair for male Junior Counselors should be cut close and tapered to the nape of the neck and cut so that it is no longer than top of the collar of a camp t-shirt. Sideburns should be neatly trimmed and should not be more than one and a half inches in length. Long sideburns are not allowed.
Unacceptable hairstyles for Junior Counselors to have at camp include: any hair style that obstructs the Junior Counselors member’s vision (hair that covers the eyes or face), unclean hair, uncombed, matted, partially shaven, mohawks, or having symbols//words shaved on your head.
Hair color should be a natural shade of brown, blonde, black, red, or grey and should not appear to be dyed different colors. Changing hair color after being interviewed, and before you begin work, is not permitted unless advised to do so by Roughing It Day Camp.
Junior Counselors with tattoos must agree to keep their tattoos covered at all times while at camp. Some acceptable ways to cover tattoos: Wrist/sweatbands, bandanas, clothing, bandaids/surgical tape, etc. Junior Counselors are not permitted to get tattoos during the camp season. If a Junior Counselors member has a tattoo in a place where it is not visible during the interview, but could be noticed during camp, the individual is required to disclose this information before signing a work agreement.
Controversial Content:
Logos/Content - Hats, Clothing & or any other content displayed by Junior Counselors
Junior Counselors may not wear clothing with or display content/logos with potentially controversial or offensive content. This can include anything racial, political, religious, violent, profane, sexual in nature, drugs, beer/alcohol/tobacco company names and/or logos, or anything perceived as offensive. Junior Counselors are not allowed to bring, wear, or display any controversial or offensive content (symbols, logos, etc.) at camp.
Religious & Medical Exemptions
Roughing It may make reasonable accommodations to the religious or medical needs of volunteers when possible without undue hardship on the organization of Roughing It. It is important that all volunteers must be able to perform all essential functions of the job safely.
Roughing It is a Community of Inclusion & Respect
We are an inclusive community with campers, families, staff, and Junior Counselors from diverse backgrounds and cultures. We treat everyone with equal respect, kindness, and empathy. Junior Counselors role model these camp values by their actions, words, and by not displaying/wearing content or logos that may be perceived potentially offensive to any group. Roughing It is an inclusive community where all individuals feel physically and emotionally safe at all times.