Parent Info for Enrolled Families
We are excited your campers will be joining us this summer. We know you want your child’s camp experience to be fun and rewarding. Preparing your child for camp is a big part of that success. Below are resources to help you get ready. If you have any questions, you can always call or email us… we are here to help!
— Amy Woods, Director

For campers who take the bus, pick up is 7:50-8:50am and drop off 3:10-4:10pm. We’ll email exact bus times the week before camp starts.
Call ahead if you’ll miss the bus. We’ll direct you to the next stop.
If the bus is running late, we’ll send you a text with estimated bus arrival time.
Extended Care
Campers who sign up for pick up and drop off at the Lafayette Reservoir every day (no transportation) can use the pick up and drop off window as needed for extended care. You can drop off anytime between 8:00-8:40am and pick up between 3:10-4:00pm.
Camp Info Night –
Webinars for New Families
Tues, March 12, 2024 @ 6:30pm
Wed, April 10, 2024 @ 6:30pm
Wed, May 15, 2024 @ 6:30pm
Join us for a virtual overview of our Day Camp Program and Q & A session with our Camp Directors. Three webinars are scheduled March through May.
Share Camp with Friends
Roughing It could not be what it is today without the help of our families sharing camp with their friends.
We’ve put together an easy way for you to share camp info with friends. Be part of this tradition and help your friends have an amazing summer.
Camp Calendar
There are many special events that go on during camp, so plan ahead. Each week has a theme, including dress-up days.
Special Pick Up / Drop Off
Families who want to arrange a time for a special pick-up & drop-off at the Lafayette Reservoir should contact the camp office. Please contact the camp office as early as possible, and no later than 8:00am of the day of the pick-up or drop-off to discuss and confirm the arrangements.
Buy Camp Gear
Purchase sweatshirts, hats, and extra t-shirts for your camper. Note: every camper a free t-shirt for the summer.
Submit Forms & Payment
Sign in to your account to submit camper health history and authorized adult release forms. These forms are due June 1st or at time of registration. Payments can also be made through your account.
Camp News and Photos
Visit Camper Caboodle, our website for camp families that keeps the camp spirit alive all year round. Every day there is something new, including group photos, videos, and updates from our staff. Contact us if you don’t know the secret code to log in.