Health & Safety
Our Commitment to Camp Health & Safety for Over 50 Years!
Roughing It has been providing safe outdoor experiences for children since 1972. Our team is committed to making Roughing It the safest place possible. We go above and beyond to be sure our campers have the very best camp experience and are always safe, supported, and supervised.
We will continue to monitor health conditions in our community and put safety protocols in place as needed.
Health & Illness
Campers must stay home from camp if they are sick or have flu/cold or COVID symptoms, and they should not return to camp until all signs of illness have passed. This is to prevent the spread of illness and to give the camper time needed for a full recovery. If a camper is not feeling well or has flu/cold symptoms at camp, parents will need to make arrangements to pick them up and take them home.
If a camper is sick: with cold, flu, or shows any symptoms of COVID or other illness:
- They must stay home (or be picked up immediately from camp) and tested for COVID
- They may return to camp if: COVID test is negative, improved symptoms, and no fever for 24 hours (100.4 or higher) without fever-reducing medication
- Please keep campers home if they have any symptoms, fever of 100.4 or higher, or test positive for COVID. Campers must be fever free (100.4 or higher) without fever-reducing medication for 24-hours before returning to camp
If a camper tests POSITIVE for COVID (regardless of vaccination status):
- They must isolate at home for 5 days from date of positive test
- Campers may return to camp after 5 days if symptoms are not present, or are mild and improving; AND are fever-free for 24 hours (without use of fever-reducing medication)
- If returning to camp after 5 days, campers are advised to continue to follow other preventive measures and masking guidance and wear a mask around others for a total of 10 days, especially in indoor settings
- If camper has a fever, isolation should be continued until 24 hours after fever resolves without the use of fever-reducing medications
If a camper is exposed to someone with COVID (regardless of vaccination status):
Campers who are exposed may continue to attend camp and participate in all camp activities unless symptoms develop or they test positive for COVID. The recommendations for campers who are exposed to someone with COVID is:
- Test 3-5 days after last exposure
- Wear a mask for 10 days after last exposure
Roughing It Day Camp follows the Contra Costa Health Services K-12 Guidelines for Exposure and Quarantine.
Vaccination Requirements
Roughing It follows the State of California vaccination requirements for children to attend school. Campers, staff, and junior counselors need to be up to date on their required vaccines in order to work and attend camp this summer. The COVID vaccine and boosters are strongly recommended for all eligible campers and required for staff and junior counselors to keep our camp community as safe as possible.
COVID Safety Guidelines
Safety remains our top priority at Roughing It which includes protecting both our campers and staff when it comes to COVID. Based on conditions in the community, we may implement COVID safety protocols at camp as needed.
Please see COVID Guidelines for more information.
Our Staff are Dedicated to the Safety of Campers
We go above and beyond to be sure our campers have the very best camp experience and are always safe, supported, and supervised. The health and safety of each camper is the primary concern of every staff member at Roughing It. Supervision is constant at all times and at all our program areas. Our staff to camper supervision ratio is 4 campers to 1 adult staff. Campers learn the safety procedures at each program activity area on the first day.
- Lowest camper-to-staff ratios
- Carefully selected all-adult staff
- High standards, extensive training for all staff
- Our camp community ensures emotional safety
Safety Qualifications
All staff members receive extensive safety and health training each year, and possess American Red Cross First Aid and CPR certifications. All swim and waterfront staff possesses Lifeguard certification, and senior instructors possess American Red Cross Water Safety Instructor certifications.
Roughing It’s Staff Screening and Hiring Process
- All staff have current First Aid / CPR and/or Lifeguard Certifications
- Camp buses driven by licensed professional school bus drivers
ACA Accreditation
Roughing It Day Camp is accredited by the American Camp Association and is the longest accredited Day Camp in Northern California. As part of ACA Accreditation, Roughing It complies with over 300 health and safety standards.
Staff Training
All staff participate in an extensive six day staff training with workshops on counseling, safety, teaching and program planning. Group counselors receive an additional two day staff orientation during their first year and all camp administrative staff participate in eleven days of pre camp staff training. Staff receive on-going training and evaluations throughout the summer.
Emergency Services
Roughing It has two medical doctors on call to provide consultation and medical services to our campers. We also make annual arrangements with local paramedics and emergency services to support our staff.

We are Partners with Parents
We encourage and promote communication with parents. Our staff contact all parents during their child’s camp session both by phone and written end-of–the session reports. During camp, parents are encouraged to call with any questions or concerns, or to speak with any of their child’s counselors. Ann and Hobie and Amy as well as our Program Director, our Trans Coordinator and our Unit Leaders are always available to talk with parents or campers.