Beat the Heat Days

Tips for Managing Hot Weather at Camp

Hot days can occur at camp and are something Roughing It prepares for. Our goal is to keep campers and staff safe, cool and having fun. When temperatures start to increase we follow our hot weather plan and adjust our camp program as needed. All staff receive training in heat management strategies to keep campers safe and comfortable. 

Our heat management plan includes the following:

  • Hydrate throughout the day 
  • Take additional breaks before, during and after activities. Use breaks to rest, hydrate, and eat snacks.
  • Wear hats and light-weight, breathable clothing
  • Misting stations, fun water games, and spray bottles to stay cool
  • Program modifications: Active activities in the earliest part of the day. Transition to low-intensity activities in the shade when it gets hot.
  • Otter Pops / Popsicles at closing circle (a camper favorite!)

Hot Weather Tips to Prepare Your Camper

Here are tips to help your camper beat the heat:

  • Wear a hat. Hats are a necessity and protect from sun exposure. Please have your child wear a hat to camp – their counselors will help remind them to keep it on! 
  • Lightweight, breathable clothing. Wear t-shirts (rather than tank tops), shorts, and closed-toe athletic shoes (no sandals or crocs).
  • Bring a refillable water bottle and an extra drink. Remember to drink plenty of water. If possible, freeze water bottles or bring a refillable bottle with lots of ice. Campers can refill during camp. Frozen juice boxes and sport drinks are good to freeze and bring.
  • Stay in the shade. We move activities to the shade when it gets hot. 
  • Wear sunscreen. Apply sunscreen before heading to camp. We’ll remind and help them reapply during the day.
  • Be sure to eat at camp – Pack extra snacks and a healthy lunch! Crackers, pretzels, chips, and fruit are good options for snacks. Make sure your camper eats breakfast before camp and has snacks throughout the day.

If It Gets Really Hot...

We track temperatures throughout the day at all our sites, put in place additional heat management strategies, program modifications, and have plans to move to indoor, air-conditioned facilities if needed. Our heat management strategies work well to keep campers safe and comfortable, and it is rare that we need to move indoors. In addition, our staff receive training in heat management strategies and put these in place for their campers. Our goal is for campers to learn to safely enjoy the outdoors in different types of weather conditions, gain life skills, and have fun at camp!