Frequently Asked Questions
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General Camp FAQ
We ask that campers leave any electronics and cell phones at home. Camp is an opportunity for campers to unplug and make real connections with friends and nature. Roughing It a place for children of all ages discover the wonders of the great outdoors.
Along with valuables, toys and trinkets, we also ask that you leave any electronics, accessories, makeup and weapons of any kind at home. Here is a more detailed list of what you should and shouldn’t bring to camp.
Campers should wear comfortable clothes that they can be active in. Closed-toe athletic (tennis) shoes are required! For more detailed guidelines, look here.
Campers should bring their own lunch from home. If a camper attends camp plus, we provide a light snack. For detailed lunch guidelines, check here.
Due to food allergies and dietary needs of our campers, we don’t allow campers to share food with each other. If your camper has a food allergy, please indicate this on their application so that all staff can be aware.
Campers are grouped by age and gender. For example, all of the girls going into second grade will be in a group together. Campers in Pre-Kindergarten, Kindergarten and our CILT programs are co-ed, and are still grouped by age. For a more detailed explanation on how campers are grouped, look here.
Campers are grouped by age and gender. If they are in the same year of school and the same gender, then they will be grouped together, otherwise they will be in their respective age groups. They will be able to connect with each other on the bus to and from camp though, and this will allow them to branch off and meet other campers in their group. For a more detailed explanation on how campers are grouped, look here.
Campers are grouped by age and gender. So if the campers are, for example, both girls going into 4th grade, then they would be in the same group. However, please keep in mind that campers are paired up with new buddies every day in order to build the group community and allow campers to meet and befriend new people. For a more detailed explanation on how campers are grouped, look here.
Definitely not. We love it when camper families bring in new friends to camp, however most of our campers come to camp without knowing other campers. Campers will be paired up from the moment they step onto the bus with a bus-buddy, usually someone who has attended camp before and who can help answer any questions. Campers also get a new buddy every day in their group to help make sure that everyone in the group gets a chance to interact and engage with each other. This helps to build our camp spirit and camp community, and we find these friendships continue summer to summer with campers looking forward to reuniting with their camp friend each June.
We will email this info to you the week before your camp session begins.
Please call our office at 925-283-3795 and we will be able to get a message to your camper or their counselor. If you need to speak directly with the counselor, they will be able to return your call as soon as the camp day has ended.
Please call into the office or send us an email as soon as you know that your camper is going to be absent, even if it is the morning of the absence! Our office number is 925-283-3795 or you can email
Our top-quality, all-adult staff are personally selected by our Roughing It administrative team. Applicants go through rigorous interviewing and reference checks. All staff also participate in a week-long staff training where they prepare for camp. We are proud of our staff and what they contribute to camp, as quality staff really make a difference in the lives of our campers. Look here for more info on our staffing qualifications.
Campers are supervised 100% of the time at Roughing It by our all adult staff. Campers are always with their group counselor. There is also at least one administrator at each of our sites to help supervise as well. In addition, our program staff also serve as additional eyes on the campers. The staff to camper supervision ratio is 4 campers to 1 adult staff.
Hot days can occur at camp and are something Roughing It prepares for. Our goal is to keep campers and staff safe, cool and having fun. When temperatures start to increase we follow our Hot Weather Plan and adjust our camp program as needed. All staff receive training in heat management strategies to keep campers safe and comfortable.
Counselors all carry sunscreen which is applied multiple times throughout the day. We apply in the morning, mid day, and before and after swimming and riding. We also encourage all campers and staff to wear hats at all times.
If your camper will need to take medication while at camp, please provide this information on the camper application, or let us know as soon as possible. Parents will provide the medication with instructions and give Roughing It written permission to administer medication (this includes prescriptions as well as over the counter medications). For any medications needed in life threatening situations, such as an Epipen or inhaler, campers will keep these with them. All other medication is kept in a secure medical box at camp and will be administered by a camp administrator as directed. For more info on medication at camp, look here.
Transportation FAQ
We will email this info to you the week before your camp session starts.
In the morning- we are unable to wait at a bus stop past the designated time. If you barely miss the bus, call our office at 925-283-3795 and we will try to direct you to the next stop to meet up with the bus. Alternatively, you may need to drive your camper to the Lafayette Reservoir and drop off your camper with one of our counselors. (Please do not leave a camper unattended at the reservoir).
In the afternoon- we are unable to have the bus wait at a stop past the designated time. The camper will stay on the bus with the counselor until the parent can be reached. Please contact the office as soon as you can if you know you are running late so that we can try to get you to the proper stop to meet up with your camper. If you are unable to meet up with the bus to pick up your camper, they will be taken back to camp plus. More info on buses and bus policy.
Please call into the office or send us an email as soon as you know that your camper is going to be absent, even if it is the morning of the absence! Our office number is 925-283-3795 or you can email
Swimming FAQ
Of course! Please just note on their application if your camper is a non-swimmer so that staff will be notified and ready to offer them the support they need to successfully participate.
Campers are supervised 100% of the time at camp, including at the pool. There is a life guard on duty at the pool, as well as all of our swim staff who are certified life guards and are in the pool with the campers.
Swim lessons are taught in small group settings in accordance with the American Red Cross lessons, which are designed for varying ability levels. For more info on our swim program, click here.
Campers will learn a variety of swim skills depending on their skill level. Read about our breakdown of our swim levels and skills here.