COVID Guidelines
For 50 years Roughing It has been committed to the health and safety of our campers
What to expect for Summer 2024
- All outdoors!
- Stable groups
- Daily health screenings
- Staying home when sick or having flu/cold symptoms
- Vaccines recommended for all eligible campers and required for staff
- Hand Washing & Sanitation
- Masks are optional at camp, outdoors and on the Bus/Shuttles
Based on Conditions in the Community we may add Additional Protocols:
- Masks required on the bus/shuttles, indoors & at Camp
- Physical distancing
- Increased sanitation/handwashing
- Program modifications as needed
- COVID testing requirements

COVID Safety Information
Updated 11/1/2024
Below are the safety protocols we plan to have in place for summer 2024. We require all campers, staff, and camp families to follow these protocols for the safety of everyone at camp.
We will update our health and safety protocols as conditions in our community change, and in accordance with the guidance of our regulatory agencies. Modifications may include additional masking, physical distancing, testing, and vaccine requirements. We align our health and safety procedures with the following agencies: Contra Costa Health Services, State of California, EBMUD, CDC, and ACA (American Camp Association).
What to do if your camper is sick
Campers must stay home from camp if they are sick or have flu/cold of COVID symptoms, and they should not return to camp until all signs of illness have passed. This is to prevent the spread of illness and to give the camper time needed for a full recover. If a camper is not feeling well or has flu/cold symptoms at camp, parents will need to make arrangements to immediately pick them up and take them home.
If a camper is sick with cold, flu and has any symptoms of COVID or other illness:
- They must stay home (or be picked up immediately from camp) and tested for COVID
- They may return to camp if: COVID test is negative, improved symptoms, and no fever for 24 hours (100.4 or higher) without fever-reducing medication
- Please keep campers home if they have any symptoms, fever of 100.4 or higher, or test positive for COVID. Campers must be fever free (100.4 or higher) without fever-reducing medication for 24-hours before returning to camp
If a camper tests POSITIVE for COVID (regardless of vaccination status):
- They must isolate at home for 5 days from date of positive test
- Campers may return to camp after 5 days if symptoms are not present, or are mild and improving; AND are fever-free for 24 hours (without use of fever-reducing medication)
- If returning to camp after 5 days, campers are advised to continue to follow other preventive measures and masking guidance and wear a mask around others for a total of 10 days, especially in indoor settings
- If camper has a fever, isolation should be continued until 24 hours after fever resolves without the use of fever-reducing medications
If a camper is exposed to someone with COVID (regardless of vaccination status):
Campers who are exposed may continue to attend camp and participate in all camp activities unless symptoms develop or they test positive for COVID. The recommendations for campers who are exposed to someone with COVID is:
- Test 3-5 days after last exposure
- Wear a mask for 10 days after last exposure
Roughing It Day Camp follows the Contra Costa Health Services K-12 Guidelines for Exposure and Quarantine.
Refund Policy
There are no make-up days, credits, or refunds for missed days of camp due to illness, including COVID and quarantine requirements, injury, vacations, or dismissals or any other reasons. Roughing It reserves the right to make changes to the camp program without notice by adding, modifying, or canceling activities and camp as deemed necessary by the Directors, and no refunds or tuition adjustments will be made. See more on our Refund Policy.
Masks at Camp
Masks will be optional for campers and staff at camp this summer. We understand our staff and families have a broad range of comfort with masking and we encourage each family to make the decision that is best for them. We will monitor health conditions in our community and may put additional safety protocols such as requiring masking in place as needed. Masks may be required on the bus/shuttles & at Camp if necessary.
Vaccination Requirements
Roughing It follows the State of California vaccination requirements for children to attend school. Campers, staff, and junior counselors need to be up to date on their required vaccines in order to work and attend camp this summer. The COVID vaccine and boosters are strongly recommended for all eligible campers and required for staff and junior counselors to keep our camp community as safe as possible.
Travel guidance: International and Domestic
All campers traveling need to follow the current CA state Travel Guidelines in place.
International travelers (Non-U.S. citizens) must follow all US requirements.
Acknowledgement of Risk
We will do everything in our power to control what we can, but even with procedures and protocols in place we cannot control every risk. The very nature of personal interactions that take place at camp contain risks for spreading and contracting diseases and infections such as COVID-19. We will use our best efforts to keep your child safe from all illnesses, including the COVID-19 virus, while at camp. However, we want to make clear that we cannot promise or guarantee that this or any other pathogen will not enter our camp. We want you to be fully aware of this risk in making the decision to send your child to camp this summer and that you are willing to assume and accept this risk on your child’s behalf.
Additional Information
Thank you for working with us to make camp the safest possible experience for our campers, staff, and our camp community this summer. If you have questions or concerns, please contact us! We are happy to discuss our safety protocols and answer your questions. We will post current information here and also send out to our staff and camp families.