Beat The Heat Days at Camp

Hot weather days at Roughing It are called, Beat The Heat days. On the high temperature days, camp schedules and activities may be modified to provide campers and staff additional time to rest, recover and have water breaks in the shade. This may include: Planning more active activities in the earlier part of the day before […]
Give an Experience that will Last a Lifetime – The Gift of Camp!

So as you endeavor to give the most memorable and amazing gift this holiday season, we hope this inspires you to give the best holiday gift – the gift of summer camp!
The Value Of Summer Camp And How To Afford It.
If you’ve ever attended a summer at camp, you probably already know how great an experience it is. A summer of fun, learning in ways different than the classroom and making memories to last a lifetime are all ways that summer camp transforms a child over the summer. Benefits of a Quality Summer Camp: Unplug […]