Our Camp Community

A Consistent Environment for Children to Learn, Grow and Make Friends
The consistency of longer sessions with the same group of children and the same counselors gives campers a strong sense of belonging and builds community. Campers have more time to learn new skills, form lasting friendships, and succeed as a team.
“What makes this place special are the traditions, sessions … the group environment is really conductive to building camaraderie, and strong friendships.” – Michale, Camper Parent of Meagan, First Year Camper

Our Camper Groups & Age Specific Programs
Each camper belongs to a group of campers of similar age. They stay with their own camper group throughout the day and session. The camper group is lead by an adult counselor and campers who are together for the entire camp season. Each counselor is responsible for the safety, supervision, and well-being of the group. They helps all the campers to make new friends and become an important member of the team. Campers get to make strong new friendships while connecting with nature.
Our younger groups have junior counselors to assist. First through eighth graders can choose to be in a girls or boys group. Our youngest campers (Preschool and Kindergarten) and CILTs (9th and 10th grades) are in coed groups. Our overall camper to staff ratio is 4:1.
Specialty staff teach the program activities tailored to the ability levels and the age appropriate readiness of each camper group since campers are so closely grouped by age/grade. Campers make amazing progress over the session as they learn new skills, and the confidence they feel from their many successes!
Every Camper thinks Their Own Group is the best in Camp!
“I loved my group and made friends with everyone!” – Alex, 7th Grade Camper

Creating A Community of Respect – The Roughing It Way
Our counselors set positive guidelines and build strong supportive relationships between campers, encouraging every child to reach their potential. At the start of the session each group comes up with a set of guidelines the group will follow called their Code of Living. This becomes the foundation to build lasting friendships and helps each campers work effectively with one another.
Respect and camaraderie are the basis of each group’s Code of Living.

Teamwork & Life skills for the 21st Century!
A key part of the Roughing It experience is campers of all ages learn to work together as a team, collaborating with one another, solving problems together, help each other, and have fun.
All our campers – from preschool to teenage CILTS – solve problems, make plans, and support each other every day at camp. Camper teamwork makes outdoor fun at the spectacular Lafayette Reservoir even more magical! These are skills that our campers need to develop to be successful in the workplace and in their personal lives.
“From my time at Roughing It Day Camp, I have learned to build relationships, meet lots of different people, and being the shy kinda kid — to branch out, and be willing to take risks.”
– Bea, 12th year Camper

Group Activities and Camp Spirit
At Roughing It, camper group activities are fun, give campers a chance to get to know one another, and to work, play and enjoy camp together. Campers vote on their unique group name, come up with their Code of Living, make a group flag, search for secret forts, create cheers, songs and skits, build lizard huts and look for the daily Du’juno.
Camp spirit soars as campers show their group flag and cheers!