Gratitude is an such important life skill to practice with our children especially during challenging times. This is something we do at camp with kids of all ages. While practicing and teaching gratitude can be done all year long, this season offers many opportunities to get creative in those efforts. It is important for kids to take the time to reflect on the things and people they are appreciative of. Here we share a few of our favorite camp activities.

Penny, the camp dog, has a fun gratitude activity that she likes to do. It’s called G.L.A.D, and you can share something you’re grateful for every day, just like Penny.

A Thanksgiving Tree is a fun easy activity that can last throughout the Thanksgiving season and even into Christmas! . Thanks to our Roughing It Day Camp family, the McKinleys, for sharing their idea for a simple Thanksgiving Tree.
Web of Appreciation
At camp, Web of Appreciation is an activity to connect campers with one another. You can do a variation of this same activity by going around the dinner table having each person say one thing they appreciate about another member of the family.

This activity is wonderful for kids of all ages. It’s a simple way to encourage sharing what you appreciate about one another. See how we make and use these journals at camp