Unless you’ve attended a particular camp yourself, it’s not easy to know what exactly goes on at the camp that you are considering sending your child to. You can check out their website and read all the information provided but it’s still not like seeing the camp in action. An excellent camp will offer opportunities such as Sample Camp or Family Day before the session starts but if you really want to see how a camp performs, request a personal camp tour! Here are 5 reasons why seeing camp in action can provide you the insight you need to know if a camp is right for your child.

- You can feel the camp spirit! Positive energy is infectious and should be felt the minute you come into camp – even if you are just visiting. True camp spirit can’t be faked or contained – it just IS!
- The camp community is one you want to be part of. It’s no secret that many lifelong friendships and connections are made at summer camp. The camp community that you send your child to should be one that supports your values and philosophies. Outstanding camps encourage social skills development, leadership and communication and these should be noticeable upon your visit.
- See what new skills they will learn. Unique and challenging adventures are essential to the camp experience and they help kids to grow in positive ways. The lessons offered and level of instruction are evident when visiting camp in action and will give you an idea of what adventures await your child. Teamwork, participation, encouragement and resiliency are all things your child can take away from a summer of camp adventures.
- Take in the surroundings! You’ve seen the site in pictures but what does it look like when you actually get out there? Is it clean? Safe? Do they have adequate facilities? Even if you are familiar with the location it is helpful to see how the location is used, where the activities take place and the safety measures being used. Outdoor summer camps in particular are quite unique as they offer unrivaled access to nature. Outdoor exploration, respect and appreciation for nature and connection to the environment not only make for a good camp location but it also makes for a nice visit!
- Get to know the staff. Quality camps take great measure to hire remarkable staff. The staff should be highly qualified, well-trained, trustworthy and good role models. Seeing just how well the counselors act and interact with the campers will speak volumes as to the quality of staff the camp hires. A personal tour or summer camp personal tour provides the opportunity to speak directly with the directors and camp staff and ask all the questions you may have.
The benefits of summer camp are unparalleled. So much can be gained from a summer at camp – it’s a place for children to learn, grow, discover the outdoors, make new friends and create memories that last a lifetime. Simply put – it enriches the life of a child and can change their world! With so much to be gained from summer camp adventures – it’s important to know just what you are getting. A phenomenal camp will welcome to the opportunity to personally share their camp with you!