This fall Allison (G2 Counselor) and Lizzy (Little Raccoons Counselor) have been traveling in Europe! Read more to see what exciting adventures they have been up to!
Ciao a tutti (Hello friends in Italian)! This is how Lizzy, our Little Raccoons counselor from Summer 2014, greets her friends each morning as she is currently studying abroad in Italy! While Lizzy noramlly studies at Baylor University where she is working towards earning her Bachelors of Fine Arts with a concentration in Painting and a minor in French, this semester she is excited to be traveling throughout Italy. Lizzy enjoys speaking Italian with students and has already expanded her Italian vocabulary. Buono! In this photo Lizzy is about to enter the Blue Grotto in the island of Capri. We’re so glad she’s having a fantasitc time abroad!
This September Allison, our Summer 2014 G2 counselor, had the pleasure of traveling to Spain! Allison Studied abroad in Spain during her Junior year of college and loved it so much she decided to visit again before her final year at Santa Clara University. Pictured to the left is Allison horseback riding in Mercona, an island off the coast of Spain. I’m sure she did a great job keeping her toes up and holding the reins with ice cream cone hands! Allison also had a great time visiting the Mercona beaches and learned some fun facts at local wineries and restaurants. Thanks for the photo Allison, and we wish you a wonderful senior year at Santa Clara!