The tree of thankfulness is a great way to continue the practice of gratitude this season and throughout the year. Children can make their own tree and are encouraged to write what they’re thankful for to show their gratitude on a daily basis.
Practice giving thanks in your family by creating a family thankfulness tree. This a fun easy activity that can last throughout the Thanksgiving season and even into Christmas! There are many variations to this craft allowing for quite a bit of flexibility to accommodate your family.
The basic idea is to create a tree with a number of branches that allows for families to post leaves to remind them of what they are grateful for. This can be made out of construction paper or felt that could hang in your home, or make a tree out of cardboard to add to your kitchen table as a centerpiece. Some trees are made as table decorations. The instructions below describe how to make a cardboard tree that can be used as a dining room center piece or other table decoration.
The image the the left depicts a simpler example of a Tree of Thanks made by one of our Roughing It camper families (The Mckinleys).
Items You Will Need:
-Two brown cardboard box rectangles (size needed will vary depending on desired size of the tree)
-Construction paper in yellow, green, red, orange, and brown
-Glue (Optional)
Cut two cardboard rectangles to be around the size you desire your tree to be.
Create the outline of a tree with a trunk, and branches. Keep in mind the more branches you have the more space there will be to place leaves.
Cut both trees silhouettes out.
Take one tree outline and cut a slit up from the bottom leaving about a half-inch at the top
Take the second tree and cut a half-inch slit from the top.
Assemble the tree (Add glue if the tree needs stability).
Cut out leaves, create various shapes to trace for younger children or have them create their own.
Take markers and have each family member write things that they are thankful for. You can even write some for the family pet!
Attach the leaves with tape or glue.
Now you have an excellent decoration that will remind your family of some of the things they are grateful for! Send us your Tree of Thanks creations to camp@roughingit.com, we’d love to see them. Happy Crafting!
See more activities and ways camps teach gratitude to children here!