The benefits of camp – Summer Camps Make Kids Resilient

Here is a new article on the benefits of camp that just came out- confirming why you send your children to Roughing It!   

Summer Camps Make Kids Resilient – Psychology Today Sending children to a residential, or day camp, builds resilience By Michael Ungar, Ph.

boys smiling at boating dock

Recent research on resiliency concludes how good camp experiences help children develop the coping strategies they need to be well prepared for life.  The best camps provide lots of opportunities for children to develop essential life skills:  new relationships & friendships with peers and adults, confidence, independence, respect, physical development & exercise, community and sense of belonging.  Every summer we are amazed by all the growth our campers make at Roughing It.  We love to hear campers of all ages saying “look what I can do!” and surprise themselves by trying new things.  Our goal is that this sense of accomplishment stays with them along with perseverance to overcome obstacles. Most importantly, we want our campers develop the resiliency they need to take on future life challenges with confidence and the use that “I can” attitude they discovered here at camp.